Thursday, April 15, 2010

Men don't seem to like lipstick :D

(Click on the picture to enlarge the article)

I wonder who funds studies such as these...... !! :D :D
Maybe the cosmetic companies themselves.....

Link via Discover blogs


  1. Actually women don't either... going by those results..

    But then, we probably always knew that.. :P

  2. Reminds me of the scene from Rang Birangi where Om Prakash is telling Farooq Sheikh that he convinced his wife into eating paan (which he also likes) because then there is no jhanjhatt of buying/choosing/applying lipstick with the added advantage that it also tastes better ;) :D

  3. I read Pesc's comment and thought to myself "hmm.. what is she smoking? Where in RDB did she see Om Prakash or Farooq Sheikh!!.. in any case, isn't at least one of them dead?"

    took me some time to realize that it is "Rang Birangi" and NOT "Rang De Basanti" :D :D
