Monday, April 12, 2010

Wanna grow up once again !!!

Some philosophical gyan today ;)
Few hours back this song struck my mind. Famous song from 3 idiots. Lyrics are beautiful, composition is simple yet impressive. Whenever I have heard this song or discussed it with someone there is always a sad atmosphere. A feeling of something missed; something in past/childhood because of unawareness, social restrictions, parenting, narrow mindedness of self/family/society etc. etc. etc.
Lyrics fit into everyone's life. Words are too perfect. Right? WRONG... Today I realised that song creates a mood as if my growth has come to an end and so I should want to grow up once more. There is dead end ahead hence I should be starting again.
We are all growing day to day, month to month, year after year. So why worry about missed opportunities. There is ample sunshine and ample rain at this very moment. There are thousands of opportunities just waiting for to be found.
So now, whenever I will hear that song again it is going to remind me don't worry! you are yet to grow ;)


  1. when we have to make a choice, we don't take the high-risk/high-reward path because we are afraid of the risks... later, when we look back, we regret not taking that path because we think of the rewards.

    We do have thousands of opportunities now, as you say, but perhaps we'll think about them the same way 10 years from now. "I wish I could go back to that time and live through those days again" has no end.

  2. If there is anything I have learnt, it is to ask the stupid question even if it reveals my true stupid self.. So question pls! Which song is this?

  3. oops, sorry SS..... It was my fault to assume that everyone must has listened this song.... This song is from 3 idiots.... listen it here:

    lyrics which I mentioned are:
    Give me some sunshine, give me some rain.
    give me another chance, I wanna grow up once again...

    If you have not watched this movie JUST DO IT...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes.... but hopefully one should not get that feeling when he looks back at every single opportunity that had come.

  6. Hi Ashish.. I just heard the song.. had heard it before in the movie, but didn't rem lyrics etc..

    And sorry! It is incredibly depressing!! Baap re! Saari umr hum marr marr ke jee liye!! It's ok for that guy to sing in the movie.. indicates his sorrow, etc. But otherwise it really elicits a Shiv-shambho, Shiv-shambho from me!

    Me is switching to zoobie-doobie!
